Thursday, March 29, 2012

No Matter What

You know, after church last night I wanted to write a post about the verse that was shared.  Then I realized I have more to talk about around that verse than I thought.

Without much ado, the verse is Psalm 34:1, I will praise the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.  I even put this one Facebook because I was personally very convicted by this verse.  No matter what, I will praise the Lord at all times.  No matter what, His praise will always be on my lips.  

If you know me well, you know that I can have tendencies to complain.  If you have ever read any of my past posts you also know I am the baby of the family so I'm used to getting my way, hence the complaining when I don't get my way.  Don't worry, I'm convicted about that and attempt at not doing it as much.  Nobody wants to hang out with someone who complains a lot, so, I am working on it!

So, with that being said, this verse just hit home with me a little.  No matter what, His praise will always be on my lips.

Okay, yes, I probably watch more tv than I should, but one of the shows I watch is 19 Kids and Counting.  This week's episode was the season finally.  I'm sure you can watch it at or something.  Be warned. It's a tear-jerker.  Spoiler alert, they were pregnant with baby #20, and when they went in to find out the gender of the baby, there was no heartbeat.  The baby had died.  Wow, I was crying!!  What I found inspiring was the mom and dad's initial response.  Well, besides the tears.  Unless they did some editing, the first words out of the mom's mouth was "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord."  That is a reference to Job 1:21.  

Personally? I can't say I would have been that least not at first.  I think after a day or two I would have had that mindset, but I'm not sure I could have had it immediately.  Those parents are ones to look up to with respect and be inspired.  She was a living breathing example of "His praise will always be on my lips."

Another thing to think about when discussing this verse is how we talk about others.  In my older age, I find I am more cynical about things.  Usually when I talk about others, it's to Shaun, or a super close friend.  I try not to make a habit of it.  But you know what?  Even doing it the little I do, is wrong, because when I'm talking negatively about others, how is His praise always on my lips?  Ouch.  Something ELSE to work on.  (You know, it's weird, I always look at older people than myself and think....really....what sin could you possibly deal with?  But as I get older, I'm realizing how much we all do keep on sinning, it's just different sin from when you were in college than when you were in high school than when you were in middle school and so on.  Maybe it just means I'm growing spiritually when I find more things to work on.)

May we need to be like this Duggar mom and even like Job with the mindset of NO MATTER WHAT COMES, His praise will always be on my lips.  I know that's something I want to work toward.

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