Monday, October 17, 2011

Don't be ashamed!!

Last night at church we had Youth Night.  Every once in a while the youth will be asked to be in charge of a Sunday night service, from beginning to end.  From music to sharing a word.  It is always such a blessing to be apart of it each time.  Last night was no exception.

We felt the Lord move, He was ever present!  The girls and I, (Chelsea, Lauren and Shelby) led worship.  It was a sweet time.  We could feel God there from the beginning!

Then Thomas got up to speak.  He is a former youth who is now at college in his senior year.  He is what Shaun likes to call our resident missionary.  We are sending him out to his mission field (college) every time he leaves us.  We minister and pour into him while he is here, then we send him off to minister where he is at.  That is living out the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20.

He was telling us about things going on at school and how God is using him there.  He has been apart of and led bible studies, invited and taken friends to church with him and more!  God is definitely using Thomas in a great way in East Tennessee!

The verses he spoke on last night really made me think.  First he read Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes..."  Then he read Matthew 7:21, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

When people are preaching or sharing a word, at times, we all can take away different messages according to what is going on in ones life.  For me, the thing that really hit home was that my sin is not being ashamed of the gospel, because I'm not, but my sin is not acting on my belief. 

Please know that just because you believe in God, doesn't mean you will go to heaven when you die.  Even the demons and Satan believe in God!  You have to believe in what He did for us on the cross and accept what He did as a sacrifice for your sins.  That is the only way into heaven. 

I lack sharing the gospel like I should. That is the sin that was brought to my attention last night.  It hit home for me.  I know Thomas' message was directed more toward the topic of hope and all it entails, but God wanted to speak to me with a different message and I wanted to share it with you.

I saw God moving in others last night as well.  It is such an honor to be apart of something so great to where you get the privilege of witnessing God move.  Thank you God for that opportunity.