Saturday, August 15, 2009

30 years old

No, I didn't turn 30...well, I haven't yet anyway. Shaun, the love of my life, turned 30 yesterday! It is odd to say the least to say, yeah, i'm dating a 30 year old! I don't feel that old and still feel like I did in college and young 20's. But alas it is here. Getting older means getting wiser. Choices are getting easier....wait. who am I kidding, it just means different choices than before, not easier, sometimes harder. Asking for discernment from God is not always easy. I am afraid He will give me the decision I don't want to hear. When I think I might know the answer He will give and if I like the answer then I will pray for it just for the sake of praying for it. wow. That was admitting a sin to you guys. wow. Okay, so that is me. I need to learn to put my COMPLETE trust in God and not just in some areas of life. This will be hard. I'm so thankful He is forgiving. God, help in my need for sense of control. Remind me it is YOU who is God and not me.
Well, the birthday was fun I think for him! I threw him a surprise party and I think he was excited and overwhelmed too! He loved it! I'm glad, I had been planning for a while! yay for birthday parties! Love them!...and I love him!!! :)
Enough cheesy-ness!
I am going to try and stay up on this....we will see though...but guess I'll have to get more than 2 readers! lol oh well! I love you two! :)