Thursday, July 26, 2012

Being a Follower takes Confidence

Last night I finished teaching a summer bible study to my youth girls.  I will miss that closeness that we shared and being able to meet each week and be open with each other and learn about where our confidence should come from.  The name of the study was just that...."Confident."  We had a great time growing and learning.

It's kinda funny how sometimes God will have you read books that go along with a bible study you are doing and that is what happened the past few weeks of this study.  As I mentioned before I have started to read the book "Not a Fan" by Kyle something or another.  Wow.  Can I recommend that book to you?

In the book as well as the last chapter of this bible study we read and talk about the woman that came in a poured her expensive perfume on Jesus' feet and wiped it with her hair.  This woman had a reputation.  I can only assume based on what I read that she was a woman of the night, if you catch my drift. It took SO much confidence to walk in to where Jesus was....with all these men who would probably talk so horrible about her and not do it secretly.  They would mock and ridicule her and ask why in the world is she intruding on their time with Jesus.

First of all, as the book mentions, she had to of heard Jesus speak previously and had a change of heart.  Why else would she come in and pour her earnings of a whole year on his feet just to clean the dirt off of them?  She had to of gone from being a sinful sinful woman, going straight past being just a fan of Jesus and plunging into being a sold out follower of Christ!  That was her livelihood here and she just used it to clean Jesus' feet!!

It took confidence to walk in with all these people who would talk down to her and it took confidence in her faith to use all her earnings in this manner for Jesus.  And as Jesus said, the men did nothing for Him....SHE will be the one that will be remembered for what she did.  

Let's look to this sinful woman of the night and think about if we are truly just a fan of God or a true follower.  

Did I mention great book?  Buy it. Read it.  Grow from it.

by the way, i get married in 100 days to my best friend! ah! yay!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Old News

I'm if you didn't know! ;)  I think I told everyone and their mama, I was so excited!

So, plans are under way. The date is November 3 of this year!!  Our 5 year dating anniversary is Sept. 3, so that's exciting!  I hope all of you, my lovely friends can make it to our special day!

You can then call me Mrs. Beth Powers! Ah!!! LOL, So excited!!!!

That's all for now! I just started to read the book Not a Fan, so I may blog about that's a refreshing book to say the least!
