Friday, February 12, 2010


I know this sounds funny, but i have been thinking about the idea ofexpectations....and expectations in relationships. The funny part isWHY I have been thinking about it. Yes, I am one of the suckers thatwatch and get soaked up into the reality show The Bachelor. You haveJake, this cute, "nice guy" pilot. He always said the nice guys neverget the girl. Now he is juggling several girls. Real moral, i know.There is one girl on the show I have grown to really like and hopeJake picks her. Tinley. She is super sweet, cute and seemingly is the"nice girl." Perfect match in my eyes! But, we shall see.An episode or two ago they were on a date. You see, for those of youwho don't watch the show and don't know, Tinley is recently divorced.I believe even within the past year. She and Jake were eating dinner"getting to know each other" and Tinley asked Jake this question. Whatexpectations do you have for a wife? He didn't answer right away soshe continued, and this is a paraphrase mind you. Because we neverwant to talk about them but expectations DO exist in relationships.It is when we don't discuss those expectations that we have someproblems in our relationships that are completely unnecessary. Again,that is a paraphrase and is sort of my take on what she said.What do we expect? Do we expect out of our significant other, friends,or family things that we ourselves wouldn't/couldn't live up to? Idon't think expectations are bad and I agree with Tinley in that whenwe have them, we need to share them to some degree. No, don't tellyour significant other i expect flowers on these certain days or else! I don't mean that. However, don't get mad if that expectation isn'tlived up to. Things of that nature are more meaningful when the ideacomes from the giver of the gift.I am talking about deeper things. I actually just wrote a paragraphand then deleted it. In this paragraph I gave monitary examples ofwhat I mean. I think you know what I mean. I don't want to put thingsin your mind that aren't necessary. I know what I expect. Significanothers, friends and family who love me and let me love them back. Whoare honest with me and allow the same freedom for me. Who trust meand allow me to trust them. And these I mentioned are things thatmost people know without speaking them, but still they are important.The list goes on and on.I don't know. You may not think it that important of a thing to talkabout, but ever since I heard it put the way it was, I haven't stoppedthinking about it.Ah, I dont' know. Just something for you to think about I guess!