Friday, January 13, 2012


No, this isn't about Calvin & Hobbes, although, that'd be a fun, this is about John Calvin and his beliefs. 

I am super nervous to post this, but I am curious of what you all think.  So, with that being said, please, don't get aggressive with your thoughts towards me or anyone else who might comment.  This, at least for the past 10 years or so, has been a topic of interest for me.  I was talking with someone a few nights ago and they were struggling with which way to lean.

So, do you agree with any or all of his 5 points in "TULIP" or not?  Either answer, I request you back it up with scripture, not logic.  Thanks all!

T--Total Depravity (we are all totally sinful)
U--Unconditional Election (God choses the elect)
L--Limited Atonement (Jesus only died for the said elect)
I--Irresistible Grace (When God calls, you cannot resist Him)
P--Perseverance of the Saints (once saved, you will always be saved)