Monday, May 16, 2011


Recently, I have seen a lot of death.  I've often heard that deaths come in sets of 3.  I believe it....although it seems I have seen quite a few sets of 3.
My uncle past away a few weeks ago. He suffered from brain cancer. The cancer won.  He, however, is the ultimate winner of heaven.  That is much comfort to my family in thinking about his passing. We, being selfish, long for him to be here with us, but deep down we know he is better off. My aunt said, well...he has no more headaches anymore!
A co-worker's dad passed away after a long battle with cancer. He too is rejoicing in heaven.
Couple of people from my home town, home church have passed and get to praise Jesus in heaven.
More recently, I had a friend, or rather, Shaun had a friend who died.  He was a great, caring and giving man.  He struggled with depression along with other mental issues.  Those issues won his battle and he took his life last week.  He too is in heaven with no more issues!
There have been some to refer to him and comment on how he is eternally separated from God because he committed suicide.
I'm not sure how softer to say this but....those people are wrong.  He committed a sin in doing that....he didn't lose Jesus as his personal Savior.  It is so frustrating to hear people say things in that manner.  He was no less a Christian just because he killed himself.
But since we are discussing it. (I never said I was a good writer or transition-er in my writing!)  Hell, to me, is a very scary place to think about.  I'm not just talking about the experience that one will go through, but that you will be forever separated from God.  FOOOORRRRREEEEEEVVVVVVVVEEEEEE
EERRRRRRR (Sandlot? anyone?)
That is a scary thought.  To be so apart from good.  To forever be in bad.  Never again getting to taste what is good from God.
Bin Laden was killed.  Don't get me wrong, I am a believer in capital punishment, so I am pleased that the punishment came to the man that killed so many of our people.  However, I am saddened to think about how there is one individual that we all know for a fact will be in hell. forever.  So, have I mentioned how long one would be there? yeah. forever. for real forever. not just a seems like forever. But, forever.
Steve Gaines said on Facebook the day after he was killed, something along the lines of saying what if we as Christians had reached Bin Laden before he even became a terrorist?  What if he had become a Christian?  Life would be much different right now.  We might even would still have the twin towers....and all those people would still be alive that were killed in the towers....and in war.  We have a responsibility to the lost.  A great responsibility.  God gave us that responsibility. We can't use the excuse that we can't or don't know how.  We have to.  Reach out to the lost before that next person you intentionally don't witness to becomes the next Bin Laden and becomes a terrorist and then dies spending eternity in hell.  I am speaking to myself too.  I often walk past people and have a thought of witnessing.....and blatantly don't do it.

I know this was a dark blog for it to by my first one back in the saddle, but i figure, I only have two followers anyway, so, eh. why not?
Ones to come won't be this morbid.  No worries. Just remember our responsibility and our true lack of excuses.

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